What are the GPS Coordinates of Szechenyi Baths?

If you are driving a car to Szechenyi Spa, you will need the GPS coordinates, or the address of Szechenyi Baths. You can find Szechenyi Spa Bath Budapest easily with the following GPS  navigation coordinates:

47.5188 / 19.081

on Google map, you will get the exact location of Szechenyi Baths with the above GPS coordinates (the navigation puts you onto Allatkerti korut street, at one of the 4 entrances of Szechenyi Bath complex):

Szechenyi Baths GPS coordinates
Szechenyi Baths GPS coordinates

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  1. Siddharath Sehdev

    Dear Sir/ Madam,

    Greetings from Quintessentially Lifestyle,

    Hope this mail finds you well,

    One of our Elite member is in Budapest right now and wanted 2 tickets for szechenyispabaths for today, but unfortunately all the tickets are sold out.

    Would request you to please respond if you have any exclusive pass, customer can also pay extra charges, required you can provide him 2 tickets for today.

    Awaiting your revert on the same.

    Thank you,


    Siddharath Sehdev

    • Szechenyi Spa Baths

      Dear Siddharath,

      thank you for contacting us.

      Tickets for Szechenyi Baths are not sold out, try to buy fast track entry tickets (and therefore skip the queues) at:

      If you meant Szechenyi Bath Parties for tonight, tickets are sold at Szechenyi Baths.

      The address of Szechenyi Spa and Baths is:

      H-1146 Budapest, XIV. kerület Állatkerti körút 9-11.

      Enjoy your time in Budapest.

      • Hi,

        Thanks for getting back to me on this promptly. Does this fast track entry include access to the Spa Party tonight? Could you check for me?

        Also, is there any VIP Section? and what time is a good time to go?


  2. Hi there,

    Do you have parking on premise? Or are there parking nearby the vicinity?

    Thank you in advance


    • Szechenyi Spa Baths

      Dear Rachel,
      There are free parking places near Szechenyi Baths, however places fills up very fast during the morning hours.
      Have a lovely time in the Baths!

  3. Hello,
    My children have very dry skin conditions (ichtyozis). Do you have a treatment for them?
    Thank you.

    • Szechenyi Spa Baths

      Hello Koray,
      unfortunately, there are no available treatments for dry skin conditions.
      Guests with skin problems are kindly asked to consult their doctor if they can bathe in the thermal waters.
      Enjoy your stay in Budapest!

  4. Szechenyi Spa Baths

    Hello Irena, we have contacted you via email!
    Enjoy your stay in Budapest!

  5. Dear Madam, Mister,
    I’m Lisa from a Chinese travel agency and we have a group of 100 people who want to reserve a private place to enjoy the bath in your facilities. And it will be in april in 2018. Could you please tell if it is possible to take 100 people at one time with a private place ?

    • Szechenyi Spa Baths

      Dear Lisa,
      we have contacted you via email.
      Hope we can welcome you at Szechenyi Spa Baths!

      • Dear Viktoria,
        Thank you for your reply!
        Actually, the situation is that our clients plan to travel to Budapest in april next year, so they could not decide the exact date now. But they really want to know about your price for reserving a private place for their group, so that they can make a budget for their trip.
        So could you please give a rugh price for a group of 100 people to have a private place in your bath in april for nezt year, for exemple, from XXXeuros to XXXXeuros?
        Looking forward to your reply!
        Best regards,

        • Szechenyi Spa Baths

          Dear Lisa,
          we have contacted you via email.

          • Szechenyi Spa Baths

            Dear Lisa,

            we have already contacted you via email 2 days ago.

            It is possilbe to rent the pools privately for your group.

            To receive a private offer please send us the exact group size, the exact date and planned hours at the baths.

            The arrival is possible between 9am and 6pm and you can stay until closing (10pm).

            I am waiting for your kind reply so I can send you a detailed offer.

  6. Szechenyi Spa Baths

    Dear Mattia,

    thank you for your comment.
    We will introduce new packages and prices for 2018. Online booking will be available from Monday.

    With regards to your group request, please send us a mail to info@szechenyispabaths.com.
    Hope we can welcome you at Szechenyi Spa Baths!

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