What are the GPS Coordinates of Szechenyi Baths?

If you are driving a car to Szechenyi Spa, you will need the GPS coordinates, or the address of Szechenyi Baths. You can find Szechenyi Spa Bath Budapest easily with the following GPS  navigation coordinates:

47.5188 / 19.081

on Google map, you will get the exact location of Szechenyi Baths with the above GPS coordinates (the navigation puts you onto Allatkerti korut street, at one of the 4 entrances of Szechenyi Bath complex):

Szechenyi Baths GPS coordinates
Szechenyi Baths GPS coordinates

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  1. hello,

    Is there possibility to spend 3 or 4 hours in bath?…..any special tickets for this much of time spend or i have to buy a ticket for whole day.

  2. Hi,
    I am wanting to visit on either the 31st Dec or 1st Jan and there are no tickets online, can I turn up on the day and buy tickets?

    • Szechenyi Spa Baths

      Dear Heather,
      Thank you for your inquiry about services between Dec 24, 2019, and Jan 7, 2020 in the baths. 
      Due to the high number of visitors during the festive winter days, the thermal baths’ managerial decision was made that no fast track entries or cabins (changing cubicles) are sold during these days, with the notable exception of the pre-NYE night party tickets, which will be bookable for December 30 as usual (in Szechenyi Baths https://szechenyibath.com/szechenyi-baths-new-year-bath-party/).

      Guests of day time visit will be checked in on a first-come-first-served basis. As long queues are expected there may be some lines waiting in the cold. Please find more details, advice and other thermal bath alternatives on the following link: BathsBudapest.com/Dec

      Thank you for your kind cooperation. Enjoy the thermal baths in winter Budapest and explore some more if it is not your first visit in the city.

      Festive guides recommended during the month of Dec:

      Budapest Christmas ideas, activities, programs and events
      New Year Budapest things to do

      Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.

  3. Adéla Neubauerová

    Hello, I’m from Czech Republic and we would like to visit your bath with my family. We are all already vaccinated with the first dose. Will it be enough to get confirmation that 22 days have passed since the first dose of vaccination? Or does it have to be proven by a negative antigen or PCR test?

    Thank you for your answer.

  4. Hii, I wanted to book a bath for 26th of December, but there are no tickets available as of now, I want to buy the tickets, so how am I supposed to go about with that.
    Can you please share a link through which we can book and see what all is available on the 26th Dec.

    • Szechenyi Spa Baths

      Dear Husaina,
      Thank you for your inquiry.
      The online tickets are normally not available for festive periods such as Christmas or New Year, tickets will be available exclusively upon arrival.
      As the festive weekends are generally busy we are not able to guarantee the availability as the bathhouse often gets close to the maximum capacity. In that case, guests can enter on a 1 in-1 out basis which means long queues.
      We recommend the arrival around 9 am as most guests are coming around 11 or early afternoon.
      Thank you for your kind understanding.
      Have a nice winter holiday in Budapest!

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