Szechenyi Baths Refreshing Massage Booking

Enjoy a moderately strong Refreshing Massage in Szechenyi Spa & Baths: book online to make sure to get a scheduled treatment for the date of your bath visit: massages are frequently booked up in advance, days or even weeks before a date. Click on the calendar icon to see available dates. Preferred hours are indicative only. You can pre-book your bath entries in advance here:


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Add on Massage Booking for Ticket Holders

You can add a massage treatment to your existing booking in the booking form below. …


  1. Hi there
    We are travelling from Australia and hoping we could come to swim and also have a 45 minute refreshing massage either tomorrow – Sept 23 or 24.
    Two adults. Do you have any availability? I can’t seem to book anything online, unless I’m looking in the wrong place!

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