Szechenyi Bath Massage Booking

Book your Aroma or Refreshing massage in advance in Szechenyi Bath to have a relaxing time in Budapest’s leading thermal bath. The massages are the most popular services (besides enjoying the 18 pools, saunas, etc.) and get fully booked up days or even weeks in advance. Please check availability in the booking calendar (click on the calendar icon). You can pre-book your massage package including a full day bath entry in advance here:


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Add on Massage Booking for Ticket Holders

You can add a massage treatment to your existing booking in the booking form below. …


  1. Hello — I’m attempting to book (3) Bath Entry with Cabin/Changing Cubicle for Sept 22nd, but the site won’t let me make the payment. Please send me a payment link so I can confirm the reservation.

    • Dear Claire,
      Thank you for contacting us.
      We have sent you an email with more details.
      Have a lovely family holiday in Budapest!

  2. Lucia Corral-Kaland


    We are 8 women from Norway, we would like to reserve aroma massage 45 minutes for alle of us, friday 13 of september, between 13 and 15 o,clock.

    Best regards
    Lucia Corral-Kaland

    • Dear Lucia,
      Thank you for letting us know about your interest in massage reservations.
      We have emailed you with further details.

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