Szechenyi Baths Cabin

The term ‘Szechenyi Bath cabin’ is used for changing rooms and storage rooms at Szechenyi Baths, in other words the cabins at Szechenyi Baths are private changing cabins, where you can, in your own privacy get changed and store your belongings.

Szechenyi Baths cabin
Szechenyi Baths cabin – photo by Razlan

Another option is to use the common changing areas and lockers for your items to be locked up.

Szechenyi Bath Ticket  – Cabin Use
The tickets to the bath can be purchased with ‘cabin use’, or with lockers. The cabin is an extra service on behalf of Szechenyi Baths (plus they take up a lot of room), so the tickets with cabins are approx. (depending on the actual currency rates) 3 Euro more expensive than the standard bath tickets, which include a locker by default. It is up to you if you want to have a more upgraded service at Szechenyi Bath or you are fine with the cheaper bath tickets, which do not include the use of a cabin.

You can also buy your ticket to the Szechenyi Baths online and save some time (not having to stand in the queue, which in summer time or during major holidays, can mean 25-35 min waiting before you get to the cashier). Please note that the online ticket may cost a bit more, depending on packages, handling fees, inclusions, etc. than purchasing the tickets in person at the bath (subject to availability at all times). For buying your entry on the spot, kindly make sure to have Forints in your wallet or an acceptable card, e.g. Visa or Mastercard.

The cabins at Szechenyi Bath can comfortably take up 1 person, and a bit more tightly even a couple to get changed. However, if you wish to use the cabin as a couple or as a family, we suggest getting changed by taking turns.

You can see the photo of a bath cabin at Szechenyi Baths – closed doors, and what is behind the door. As you can see the cabin is not a spacious room, as it has been designed for getting changed for the pools, not for staying in. That said, as you can see, the cabin is large enough to accommodate a normal suitcase, so some guests who directly arrive from Budapest Airport to the Baths, or the other way around, take a taxi / shuttle from the thermal baths to Ferihegy Airport, will opt for storing their suitcase in the cabin, which is completely acceptable (for valuables you can pay for a small safety deposit box to have a peace of mind)

This is what a Szechenyi cabin looks like from the inside (clean, purposeful, nothing fancy, perfect for having your privacy while getting changed in the baths):

Szechenyi Bath cabin
Szechenyi Bath cabin

You can find out about the cost of bathing at Szechenyi Baths here: Szechenyi Bath Prices

Last updated September 29, 2023


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  1. Hello. I have booked tickets for the thermal beer spa through their own website which included entrance to the szechenyi baths. Can you confirm if it is possible to upgrade our tickets when we get there to include a cabin? Also will the outdoor pools be open on the 23rd of December as I seen previously mentioned they are only open at weekends?

    • Szechenyi Spa Baths

      Hello Nicki,

      Thank you for your question.

      Your booking was not made through our website therefore unfortunately, we cannot answer this question. Please drop a mail to frontoffice[at]hungariagroup[dot]com to receive the requested information.

      We do have the answer to your 2nd question. Yes, the outdoor pools will be open on 23rd December, 2019. Please click here to check the opening hours:

      We wish you a wonderful bath experience in Budapest!

  2. Hello,

    I would like to book Private Spa in superior room (19,000HUF). We are 2 adults and 1child (11y). Does this option will include entrance tickets for all of us?

  3. Hello, I have booked through the online system for 23.12.19 for 6 people. The payment got deducted through my Paypal but I have not received any confirmation by email from your end.
    Can you please check this and confirm if the reservation is confirmed.

    • Szechenyi Spa Baths

      Hello Amit,

      Thank you for your comment.

      Yes, your booking went through. Please check your mailbox as well as your spam folder.
      We also resent your ticket to make sure that you will have it on file.

      Have a great time at the bath in Budapest!

  4. Hi there,
    I was just wondering if the cabins where indeed lockable and that leaving belongings in there that are locked away is an option?

    • Szechenyi Spa Baths

      Dear Paige,
      Yes, you can lock the cabins as well. In the cabins you can get changed and store your belongings as well.
      Have a great day.

  5. Hi, if we book a cabin for the day, are these guaranteed?

    We won’t be arriving until roughly 3pm due to our flights so want to make sure before we purchase the cabin tickets that we are guaranteed the locker.

    Thank you!

    • Szechenyi Spa Baths

      Dear Bonnie,

      Thank you for your comment.
      Usually, cabins are available no problem. The only exception could be when it is a national holiday or weekend afternoon when the waiting time for a cabin could be 30 mins. You will be advised when you are buying your tickets at the cashiers.
      Have a great time in Budapest.

  6. Hi there,
    I have a question about check in dates.

    I`ve read that the bath is open from 6am to 10pm. But when I`m buying tickets, there is written that – “Check in 9am-5pm, closing 8pm”.

    Is this information correct? and if not, If I book tickets online, what will be the earliest possibility to come and use ticket with cabin changing cubicle…

    Thank you.

    • Szechenyi Spa Baths

      Hello Natia,
      in 2022 Szechenyi baths is closing at 8pm every day. Earlier the outdoor area was open until 10pm, but it is not the case at this time.
      Please let me know if I can help more.

      • Hello, thanks for your response.
        But, I`m interested in about opening time, is it 6am or 9am?

        Thanks a lot,

        • Szechenyi Spa Baths

          Hello Natia,
          The baths opens at 7 am every day in this season (with very few exceptions on certain holidays). Check-in with the online tickets is from 9am
          Please let me know if you have any further questions.

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