Szechenyi Baths Address

The address of Szechenyi Bath and Pool, Budapest is

in English
9-11 Allatkerti korut Street, Budapest, District 14 (on maps, you will see District XIV), H-1146. (i.e. the post code is 1146)

in Hungarian:
Budapest, XIV. kerület Állatkerti körút 9-11. H-1146

If you want to send a mail by post, please use the official Hungarian name of Szechenyi Baths and Pool in Hungarian, which is

Széchenyi Gyógyfürdő és Uszoda.

See the location of Szechenyi Spa Baths compared to the river Danube, and downtown Budapest (in the left hand corner in the bottom):

Szechenyi Bath Address
Szechenyi Bath Address

See the location of Szechenyi Spa Baths compared to other Budapest attractions in the City Park of Budapest on Budapest Tourist Map.

Attractions around Szechenyi Baths
Attractions around Szechenyi Baths


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  1. Hello, I have just tried to purchase tickets for Monday next week using the website – is this website genuine? My order didn’t seem to work?

    • Dear Victoria,
      Yes, the official site is genuine and next week is available for booking.
      We have sent you the an email with more details.

  2. Hi
    Do you have availability for 24 to 31 December, any day?

  3. ביאטה ברוכוב

    Hello, can children go to the hot springs, children aged 4 and 8?

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