If you do not wish to carry around a bath kit when visiting Szechenyi Bath in Budapest, you can opt to book an exclusive package for the heated / air conditioned rooftop green house relaxation zone called the Palm House / DaySpalm, which includes a special list of goodies, such as full day bath entry, private cabin, entry to the Palm House (Exclusive tickets only), fruits, teas, cocktail, towel rental, bath robe rental, complimentary slippers and a swim cap and, if you order, an optional hotel pick up service.
Rental Fees in Szechenyi Baths
The rental prices in Szechenyi Baths are no longer applicable as rental services are not available with standard (or fast track) bath entries. The only option, currently, to pre-order rental services is to splurge on the Exclusive Bath Package in the rooftop DaySpalm (glass covered Palm House) area.

Towel: towel rental is included in the Palm House / DaySpalm Exclusive Bath Package only (in addition to the Full Day Ticket, Cabin etc.), not part of the standard or fast track Tickets
Bath Robe: bath robe rental is included in the Palm House / DaySpalm Exclusive Bath Package exclusively (in addition to the Full Day Ticket, Cabin etc.) not part of the standard or fast track Tickets
Towels: available to buy in the Bath Shop (see prices on the Prices page) or bring your own or upgrade to the Palm House / DaySpalm Exclusive Bath Package, which includes towel hire.
Bath Robes: available to buy in the Bath Shop or bring your own or upgrade to the Palm House / DaySpalm Exclusive Bath Package, which includes robe hire.
Swimwear for Women: available to buy in the Bath Shop (sizes / styles subject to availability) or bring your own
Swimwear for Men: available to buy in the Bath Shop (sizes / styles subject to availability) or bring your own
Safety Box (shoe size mini Locker for valuables by the poolside areas): available to buy at the Cashier
Please note that Slippers and Swimming Caps cannot be rented, but can be purchased on the spot or in advance as part of the available to buy in the Bath Shop

Slippers / Flip-flops: available to buy in the Bath Shop (subject to availability). Or you can upgrade to the Palm House / DaySpalm Exclusive Bath Package, which includes complimentary slippers.
Swimming Cap: available to buy in the Bath Shop (subject to availability). Or you can upgrade to the Palm House / DaySpalm Exclusive Bath Package, which includes complimentary slippers.
Deposit of Rental Services
Earlier rental services operated in the baths with a deposit fee, which is no longer in practice (during and after Covid rental services have been phased out and are only limited to the exclusive packages).
You can read more about the rental services on the following pages:
Towel Rental in Szechenyi Baths
Bath Robe Rental in Szechenyi Baths
Kindly note that the baths reserve the right to change the rental options. Please check the latest rental options on the spot at the cashier.
Last updated Oct 17, 2024
Hello Karen,
all tickets are sold with some kind of storage space: cabins or lockers.
You can save a few euros if you book 1 ticket with cabins and 1 with locker, and you can share the cabin.
The cabin size is approx. that of a dressing room in a clothes shop, they can accommodate 1 person comfortably.
So you would need to take turns to get changed, as the cabins are too small for 2 guests.
Are ladies swimsuits available to purchase and keep and if so, how much?
Thank you