When you are planning to have a nice relaxing massage in Szechenyi Bath or any of the Budapest baths that offer a thermal relaxation, it can be a bit of a disappointment if the schedule is full and massages are no longer available in Szechenyi Bath, Gellert Bath or Rudas thermal bath. In this case we would suggest some of the following massage options in Budapest that offer great quality services and where massage add on is an option with flexible booking terms.
Double Massage Treatment for 2 People in Budapest Mandala Spa Bath
60 Minute Swedish massage for two people in a double room offered by Mandala Spa Bath (not located inside Szechenyi Bath). In addition to the Double Massage booking of 60 min length you will also get a 20 minute private jacuzzi / private bath time. The Jacuzzi Room and Double Bath Room are ideal for two persons or couples.
Massage Treatment in Budapest Mandala Spa Bath
Single Massage booking of various lengths including unlimited pool time + 1 Cocktail offered by Mandala Spa Bath (not located inside Szechenyi Bath): 60 minute, 75 minute or 90 minute massage treatments available per person along with extras, such as unlimited pool time, jacuzzi, a glass of Cocktail, etc. For the Spa treatments, the Swedish-style treatments, Far-East massage therapies, Turkish hammam and Ayurveda rooms are offering a service for one person, while the Jacuzzi Room and Double Bath Room are ideal for two persons.
You can visit Budapest Mandala Spa Bath without booking a massage treatment with a very affordable spa entry. Kindly note that Mandala Spa Bath is not located inside Szechenyi Bath. Please note that the spa bath closes bookings when a certain number of guests have been accepted to avoid overcrowding and to ensure a blissful spa relaxation.
Spa Entry to Budapest Mandala Spa Bath
Mandala Spa Bath in Budapest offers a wide range of therapies and spa services that are not necessarily available in other thermal baths in Budapest.

Mandala is vastly popular in Budapest among locals and tourists alike. The massages are not included in every package, so by booking an entry / spa session you will not automatically have a massage appointment as well.
Mandala Spa Budapest is a relaxing spa in the 13th district in Budapest welcoming spa guests with various services, popular among locals and tourists alike so pre-booking is well worth your time. By taxi, the spa bath is located approx. 10 minutes from Szechenyi Bath (by public transport approx. 20 min, while on foot – if you feel like walking – approx. 40 min at an average adult speed)

Kindly check the inclusions before making a booking (reserve now and pay later option is available on the site, as is 24 hour cancellation policy. Packages are subject to change. Please check the product description for any updates or changes in the list of inclusions and prices.
Massage is not available for guests under 16.
Massage services for pregnant women are offered from 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM.