
Szechenyi Baths is not only the biggest thermal spa baths in Budapest but is also the largest European medicinal baths indeed a huge bath complex with 18 various pools, sauna rooms, massage therapies, fitness centre, a beautiful reception room, etc.

Szechenyi Baths Map with Fahrenheit
Szechenyi Baths Map with Fahrenheit

No wonder, tourists who first visit our world famous spa baths feel at a loss. See where Szechenyi Baths is located in Budapest at the bottom, on Budapest tourist map.

We are sharing with you 2 downloadable maps for Szechenyi Baths, one with Celsius and the other with Fahrenheit.
Here is the Szechenyi Spa Baths Map with pool-bath-sauna temperature degrees shown in Fahrenheit (download as Szechenyi Baths & Pool Fahrenheit pdf – please see the image on the right).

So these are our printable Szechenyi Baths and Pool Maps with the outdoor and indoor pools, saunas, massage therapies, etc. to help you find your way around the big area of Szechenyi Spa Baths, with its often confusing corridors, rooms, pools and chambers.

You can click on the map to see the original larger map and can print it for future use (warmly recommended as there are no printed maps on offer at the Szechenyi Baths). We often hear complaints from tourists that the wall boards and notices are not informative enough. Now here is a comfortable pocket map for Szechenyi Baths! Hopefully, it will help you not to get lost or feel frustrated when communicating with the bath staff is not smooth enough.

And here is the Szechenyi Spa Baths Map with pool-bath-sauna temperature degrees shown in Celsius (download as Szechenyi Baths & Pool Celsius pdf here):

Szechenyi Baths Map with Celsius
Szechenyi Baths Map with Celsius

We regret to admit that not everyone in the personnel of the thermal baths speaks advanced English, therefore, some tourists feel an English map for navigating within the spa bath complex of Szechenyi Furdo would be helpful.

We are presenting 2 printable maps for you below, and also an interactive map (with even more info) at the bottom. You can click on the map to see the original larger map and can print it for future use (warmly recommended as there are no printed maps on offer on the premises of Szechenyi Baths). We often hear complaints from tourists that the wall boards and notices are not informative enough. Now here is a comfortable pocket map for Szechenyi Baths from Hopefully, it will help you not to get lost, or feel frustrated when (mis)communicating with the bath staff.

Help Desk – Check-in for online reservations

Szechenyi Baths Help Desk Entrance
Szechenyi Baths Help Desk Entrance

The Help Desk is located at the main entrance, opposite the Budapest Circus building. If you have online purchased tickets, please do NOT join the queues at the cashiers as they will redirect you to the Help Desk.

Finally, here is the interactive online map of Szechenyi Spa Baths and Pools.

The interior map of Szechenyi Baths with colour coded sections

  • Green and blue: the outdoor and indoor pools of Szechenyi Baths
  • Red: saunas and steam rooms.
  • Lilac: Cabins / Cubicles (private changing rooms where you can also store your items while bathing at Szechenyi Baths)
  • Yellow: Lockers (lockable wardrobe boxes for storing your belongings – please do not bring valuables to Szechenyi Baths)
  • Orange: ‘tenantry’ / private companies (i.e. beauty salons, massage therapists)
  • Blue Arrow – Upper (on top of the map): entrance of Szechenyi Baths from Allatkerti korut street, from the Zoo. Entrance to the swimming pool section, open from 6 am to 10 pm
  • Blue Arrow – Left Hand (on the left side of the map): entrance of Szechenyi Baths from the M1 Metro Station (Szechenyi Furdo). Entrance to the Saunas and Steam Cabins section, open from 6 am to 7 pm
  • Blue Arrow – Bottom (at the bottom of the map): entrance of Szechenyi Baths from Kos Karoly setany street (Szechenyi Furdo). Entrance to the Thermal Pools section, open from 6 am to 7 pm
  • Red Arrow: entrance for patients of the Hospital only


The interactive indoor map of Szechenyi Spa Baths: hover your mouse over the section you wish to see. Please note that Szechenyi Spa Baths have certain sections that are only available for Hospital patients (locals being treated with aqua therapy). As you can see, the bath complex is huge, but symmetrical.

úszó élmény merülő 20 merülő 40 termál 35 term38 oktogon merülo 18 sodro piheno kozep 38 38 aquaf merulo oktogon torna gyógytorna sulyfurdo merulo 18 merulo 18 kamilla finn1 finn2 feny aroma goz50 nedvesgoz goz iker60 iker50 infra uszodaksz uszodak uszodaksz uszodak gozsz termk termsz termsz halp vizkr annus siam aida bodyrelax uszoda termal goz nappalikorhaz marvanyterem

Szechenyi Spa Baths on Budapest Tourist Map

Szechenyi Spa Baths on Budapest Tourist Map
Szechenyi Spa Baths on Budapest Tourist Map

Related Budapest Bath Information:

Budapest Bath Map

Gellert Spa Bath Map


  1. I don’t understand is it a SPA for one day or is it a treatment SPA ? if it is a treatment one what are the problem it cures and what are the conditions number of days, number of treatment) and do we have to stay in a specific hotel or any one. Also I am confused is it in Budapest or in Heviz

    • Szechenyi Spa Baths

      Dear Dina,
      Szechenyi Bath is in Budapest.
      It is a Thermal Bath, with 18 pools (different temperatures, indoor and outdoor). You can buy a ticket to enter the Bath and enjoy the thermal pools, or if you wish, you can book a massage. It is not a hotel. The ticket is valid for 1 day, for 1 entry.
      Please find more information and make a valid booking following this page:

  2. Hi I need to purchase tickets, how can I do so, I would like to be contacted via email as it is for a 3rd party

  3. Hello! Do you have rooms available for two couples, a total of 4? Also, what is it like in the winter? Thank you!

  4. Hello,
    Thinking of celebrating Christmas in Budapest. Must enjoy the baths.
    Please tell me, are there any areas for family nudists or nudist in general?
    Also, can I simply come to the baths when I am there, or do I need to reserve in advance?

  5. Hello i would like to choose the ticket to go to spa after 17pm which entrance i must choose ? thank you

  6. sorry I forgot to ask do you offer discount with a Budapest card and if so how much please? Thanks

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