Early Closure in July in Szechenyi Baths

We would like to kindly inform Szechenyi Baths guests that due to maintenance works, Szechenyi Baths will close earlier than usual, at 8 pm on Jul 14, 2016 (Thursday).

Check-in for online reservations: 9 am – 6 pm.

Thank you for your understanding

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  1. Christine Carlson

    We will be booking the fast track ticket along with a private cabin for a party of 9 in July. The Budapest Card states a 20% discount applies. How do we get the discount when booking online? Thank you!

    • Szechenyi Spa Baths

      Dear Christine,
      the Budapest Card discount unfortunately does not apply to online purchased fast track tickets.
      If you wish to use the discount, you will need to buy your entry at the cashier. Thank you for your understanding.

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