Since Szechenyi Baths is a popular bath with dozens of visitors everyday pools have to be kept clean, but do pool waters contain chlorine?

Thermal pools at Szechenyi Baths
Thermal pools are filled with hot spring thermal water coming from an underground thermal reservoir, pools do not contain chlorine or other cleaning agents, just use filtering technology combined with a complete refilling of the pools every day, to preserve the quality of thermal waters and the beneficial effects of the natural thermal water composition.
Swimming pool at Szechenyi Baths
The swimming and cool water pools are normally infused with a small amount of chlorine and cleaning salts to ensure that pool waters are met the
health and safety legislation in public bathing facilities.

Indoor Thermal Pools
The indoor naturally hot thermal waters are higher quality from an aqua-therapeutical view, as the 15 indoor pools do not contain chlorine or cleaning salts or chemicals.
Nevertheless, the recreational and hydro-therapeutical benefits of the 3 outdoor pools, including the swimming pool are potentially stronger compared to regular pool waters.
The outdoor thermal pools smell of natural thermal waters and the chlorine can be hardly detected.