Please use the party Calendar to pick a date (click on the icon to see more dates). When you have picked a date, you do not need to submit the form, just follow the link. You will be redirected to the booking page to choose your ticket type and make a payment. You can check the dates in a list format here: Budapest Bath Party Dates. If you are planning to go to the Dec 30 pre-NYE Party learn more about here.
Hi, I was wondering if there are any Halloween special parties? And what date it would be on?
Dear Molly,
I’m afraid there will be no special Halloween-themed party, but there are parties every Saturday in October too.
Hi , am planning to visit Budapest coming January end 2019! Could you please mail me the details regarding the winter magic bath parties schedule for the coming year .
Thank you
Hello Jo,
January is, unfortunately, a usual break in the Sparty series. After the big pre-NYE Party on Dec 30, the next bath party is in February. In 2019, the first party will be on Feb 9.
Thank you for your understanding.
Hope we can welcome you at Szechenyi Spa Baths!
Per Halloween il 31 ottobre ci sarà un night party?
Dear Luis,
unfortunately there will be no Bath Party on Oct 31. The next party is on Nov 3. Thank you for your understanding.
Is there a 2019 New Year party?
Hello Steff, the pre-NYE event is traditionally on Dec 30.
This year’s event is already bookable and the next year’s event will be confirmed by next October.
I hope I could help.
We will be a group of 13 people, travelling to Budapest un 2019. We would like to attend to the spa party on may 18th. Would you have a special price for such a group? Other than the (10+1 premium package)
Thank you very much
Hello Arnaud,
you can find the available ticket types on the website at the moment, there are group tickets, please find more details on the link below:
Have a great party!
Hi, is there an age restriction for the bath parties ?
Hello Maddy,
the miminum age for attending the spa parties is 18.